Subtotal Petrosectomy and Blind Sac Closure of the External Auditory Canal: Single-Center Experience with 44 Cases
Original Investigation
P: 81-86
September 2014

Subtotal Petrosectomy and Blind Sac Closure of the External Auditory Canal: Single-Center Experience with 44 Cases

Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2014;52(3):81-86
1. Department of Otolaryngology, Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital, İzmir, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 18.07.2014
Accepted Date: 15.08.2014



This study aims to share our experiences with subtotal petrosectomy, cavity obliteration, and blind sac closure of the external auditory canal.


A total of 44 patients who underwent subtotal petrosectomy and cavity obliteration between January 2009 and April 2013 were analyzed retrospectively. Indications of operation, surgical findings, and complications were recorded.


Twenty-three male and 21 female patients with a mean age of 42±18 (8-73) years were included in the study. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 22±11 (9-52) months. Seven patients underwent primary cavity obliteration (6 with supralabirentin cholesteatoma and 1 with facial nerve schwannoma; all had total sensorineural hearing loss on the operated side). Obliteration was performed as a secondary procedure in 19 patients who had uncontrolled otorrhea and unserviceable hearing. During the procedure, the implantation processes of a Carina device in 2 patients, active middle ear implant (Vibrant Soundbridge- VSB) in 4 patients, and cochlear implant in 8 patients who had dry mastoidectomy cavities were performed. Removal of the hearing devices was carried out simultaneously with the procedure in 4 patients who had been administered an auditory implant previously. The complications of cerebrospinal otorrhea and mastoid cavity infection developed in 1 patient on the 7th postoperative day. This had been drained under general anesthesia, and recovery was obtained without any problems. Three patients had skin necrosis localized in the external auditory canal, which was repaired under local anesthesia.


Subtotal petrosectomy and cavity obliteration procedure can be a good alternative to prevent recurrent infections and cavity problems in patients who have safe cavities with unserviceable hearing. Additionally, it is gaining more popularity in chronic otitis media patients to secure the implant electrode and to prevent cavity infection if they need to be rehabilitated with cochlear or active middle ear implants.



Subtotal petrözektomi, kavite obliterasyonu ve dış kulak yolunun kör kese kapatılması prosedürü ile ilgili deneyimlerimizi paylaşmak.


Ocak 2009-Nisan 2013 tarihleri arasında subtotal petrözektomi ve kavite obliterasyonu uygulanan 44 hastanın dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Ameliyat endikasyonları, cerrahi bulgular ve komplikasyonlar not edildi.


Çalışmaya, yaş ortalaması 42±18 (8-73) yıl olan 23’ü erkek, 21’i kadın hasta dahil edildi. Ameliyat sonrası takip süresi ortalama 22±11 (9-52) ay idi. Opere edilen kulakta total işitme kaybı saptanan, 6’sı supralabirentin kolesteatom, biri fasiyal sinir schwannom’lu toplam 7 olguya primer kavite obliterasyonu uygulandı. Kontrol edilemeyen akıntısı ve yararlanılabilir işitmesi olmayan 19 olguda ise sekonder olarak uygulandı. Prosedür, kuru mastoidektomi kavitesi olan 2 olguda Carina cihazı, 4 olguya aktif orta kulak implantı (vibrant soundbridge-VSB), 8 olguda ise koklear implant uygulaması gerçekleştirildi. İşitsel implant uygulanmış, 4 olguda ise implant çıkartılması ile eşzamanlı olarak gerçekleştirildi. Bir hastada ameliyat sonrası 7. günde serebrospinal otore ve mastoid kavitede enfeksiyon gelişti. Hastada genel anestezi altında drenaj uygulandı ve sorunsuz iyileşme sağlandı. Üç hastada dış kulak yolunda lokalize nekroz gelişti ve lokal anestezi altında sorunsuz şekilde onarıldı.


Subtotal petrözektomi ve kavite obliterasyonu, kullanılabilir işitme kalıntısı yoksa kavite problemlerinden kaçınma ve enfeksiyon nükslerini önlemede iyi bir alternatif olabilir. Ayrıca kronik otit olgularında koklear veya aktif orta kulak implantı uygulamak gerekiyorsa enfeksiyonun önlenmesinde ve protezlerin korunmasında seçkin bir yöntem olarak popüler hale gelmektedir.

Keywords: Subtotal petrosectomy, cavity obliteration, chronic otitis media, cochlear implantation, active middle ear implants


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