Aural myiasis in a patient with chronic otitis media
Case Report
P: 5-7
March 2012

Aural myiasis in a patient with chronic otitis media

Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2012;50(1):5-7
1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Konya Training and Research Hospital, Konya
No information available.
No information available


An 82-year-old man referred to our clinic with the complaints of bleeding and severe pain on his left ear for 4 days. On otoscopic examination, the left external ear canal was observed to be hemorrhagic. There was foul-smelling purulent discharge. Foul-smelling purulent discharge was included in the culture. After aspiration of the external ear canal live maggots were seen in the middle ear. With the help of a microscope, 14 larvas were removed out of the left middle ear. The extracted larvas were observed to be alive. The larvas were determined to be Wohlfahrtia magnifica in the 3rd stage by Parasitology Laboratory.


Seksen iki yaşındaki erkek hasta kliniğimize sol kulağında ağrı ve kanama şikayeti ile başvurdu. Otoskopik muayenisinde sol dış kulak yolunun hemorajik olduğu izlendi. Kötü kokulu pürülan akıntıdan kültür alındı. Dış kulak yolu aspire edildikten sonra orta kulak boşluğunda canlı larvalar görüldü. Mikroskop ve forseps yardımıyla 14 tane canlı larva dışarı alındı. Parazitoloji laboratuarına gönderilen larvaların Wohlfahrtia magnifica’nın 3. evre larvaları olduğu tespit edildi.

Keywords: Myiasis, Chronic Otitis Media, Wohlfahrtia magnifica


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