Three Cases of Relapsing Polycondritis with Isolated Laryngotracheal Stenosis
Case Report
P: 77-82
June 2017

Three Cases of Relapsing Polycondritis with Isolated Laryngotracheal Stenosis

Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2017;55(2):77-82
1. Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 21.12.2016
Accepted Date: 08.02.2017


Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a rare autoimmune and inflammatory disease, particularly characterized by recurrent inflammation of the hyaline cartilage. Laryngotracheal involvement in RP is the most serious complication that is observed in 50% of the patients and may lead to a life-threatening condition. The most common cause of death is laryngotracheal stenosis associated with lung infections or severe respiratory insufficiency that may be observed in 10%- 50% of the patients. In this study, three RP patients comprising a child with isolated laryngotracheal stenosis have been presented.


Tekrarlayan polikondrit (TP) özellikle hiyalen kartilajın reküren inflamasyonu ile karakterize çok nadir izlenen otoimmün ve inflamatuar bir hastalıktır. TP’de larengotrakeal tutulum hastaların %50’sinde izlenebilen ve hayati risk oluşturabilen en ciddi komplikasyondur. En sık ölüm nedeni ise %10-50 hastada karşılaşılan larengotrakeal stenoz ve buna bağlı gelişen akciğer enfeksiyonları veya ciddi solunumsal yetmezliktir. Bu çalışmada izole larengotrakeal stenoz ile bulgu veren biri çocuk olmak üzere üç TP olgusu sunuldu.

Keywords: Relapsing polychondritis, laryngotracheal stenosis, larynx, trachea


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