Noise Pollution in Biochemistry Laboratories of Different Hospitals in Istanbul/Turkey
Original Investigation
P: 67-69
September 2013

Noise Pollution in Biochemistry Laboratories of Different Hospitals in Istanbul/Turkey

Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2013;51(3):67-69
1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ, Turkey
2. Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology, Taksim Research and Education Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 04.03.2011
Accepted Date: 26.12.2011



To measure and analyse noise levels generated by different biochemistry analysers in public hospitals.


Noise levels generated from different analysers were measured in biochemistry laboratories by using a sound level meter. Each device was operated separately and noise levels were measured for 15 minutes; the lowest and highest sound pressure levels were recorded and compared with the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for community noise. Also, 20 laboratory workers were chosen randomly and their hearing levels were screened.


The highest noise level recorded from biochemical analysers was 81 dB with an average of 77.7±2.11 dB; the lowest noise level was 64 dB with an average of 66.9±1.66 dB. The average highest noise level of total blood count devices was 78.5±5.94 dB and the average lowest noise level was 66.3±7.05 dB. The average highest measurement of hormone analysers was 78.5±1.95 dB and the average lowest measurement was 66.1±4.53 dB. The average highest measurement of urine analysers was 75.3±5.39 dB and the average lowest measurement was 64.3±4.62 dB. The average highest noise level of centrifuge devices was 80.6±5.68 dB and the average lowest noise level was 69.2±5.75 dB. In the audiometric screening, the hearing thresholds were within normal levels.



Değişik devlet hastanelerindeki gürültü düzeylerinin araştırılması.


Biyokimya laboratuarlarındaki çeşitli analiz cihazlarından çıkan ses seviyeleri, ses düzey ölçer ile ölçüldi. Her bir cihaz ayrı ayrı çalıştırılarak çıkan gürültü düzeyleri 15 dakika boyunca ölçüldü ve minimal ve maksimal düzeyler tespit edildi. Elde edilen veriler, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) kılavuzlarında belirtilen düzeylerle karşılaştırıldı. Ayrıca 20 çalışan işitme seviyeleri açısından tarandı.


Biyokimya analizörlerinden elde edilen en yüksek ses 81 dB ve ortalama 77,7±2,11 dB en düşük seviye 64 dB ve ortalama 66,9±1,66 dB idi. Tam kan sayımından elde edilen en yüksek ses ortalaması 78,5±5,94 dB ve en düşük ses ortalaması 6,3±7,05 dB idi. Hormon cihazlarından çıkan en yüksek ses ortalaması 78,5±1,95 dB ve en düşük ses ortalaması 66,1±4,53 dB idi. İdrar tahlil cihazlarından çıkan en yüksek ses ortalaması 75,3±5,39 dB ve en düşük ses ortalaması 64,3±4,62 dB, sentrifüj cihazından çıkan en yüksek ses ortalaması 80,6±5,68 dB ve en düşük ses ise 69,2±5,75 dB idi. Odyolojik incelemede çalışanların işitme eşikleri normal sınırlar içindeydi.


Elde edilen veriler DSÖ’nün önerdiği seviyelerin üzerinde bulunmuştur.


The WHO guidelines state that noise levels in hospital areas should be 35-40 dB in the daytime and 30-40 dB in the evening. Our results exceed these guidelines at all times.

Noise pollution, hospital, biochemistry laboratory, health effects