Assessment of Bone Conduction Thresholds After Surgical Treatment in Patients with Labyrinthine Fistula
Original Investigation
P: 89-94
June 2018

Assessment of Bone Conduction Thresholds After Surgical Treatment in Patients with Labyrinthine Fistula

Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2018;56(2):89-94
1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Dicle University School of Medicine, Diyarbakır, Turkey
2. Department of Biostatistics, Dicle University School of Medicine, Diyarbakır, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 19.01.2018
Accepted Date: 21.03.2018



This study aimed to analyze the bone conduction thresholds before and after surgery in chronic otitis media patients with cholesteatoma who had labyrinthine fistula and whose cholesteatoma matrix had been completely cleaned.


The study was performed between 2013 to 2017 with 23 chronic otitis media patients who had labyrinthine fistula with cholesteatoma and who were operated at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Dicle University School of Medicine. Patients were assessed by anamnesis and examination and when necessary, by temporal computerized tomography and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Bone conduction thresholds at frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz were determined by audiometric examination and they were compared before and after surgery.


Of the 23 patients, 12 were female and 11 were male; their age range was 10–55 (26.04±14.13) years. In the post-operative period, it was possible to conduct audiological follow-up on 20 patients. In these follow-ups, 16 patients showed no change in bone conduction thresholds, two patients showed worsening, and two showed improvement. When pre- and post-operative bone conduction thresholds at each frequency were compared separately, no significant difference was found (p=0.937). No statistically significant difference was found between the pre- and post-operative means at the four frequencies (p=0.712).


In this study, we found that to reduce complications relating to cholesteatoma, it might be necessary to completely remove the matrix especially in the case of type 1 and 2 labyrinthine fistulas.



Bu çalışmada labirent fistülü bulunan ve kolesteatom matriksi tamamen temizlenen kolesteatomlu kronik otitis medialı hastalarda ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası kemik yolu işitme eşiklerinin analiz edilmesi amaçlandı.


Bu çalışmaya 2013-2017 yılları arasında Dicle Üniversitesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz Kliniğinde opere edilen, labirent fistülü bulunan 23 kolesteatomlu kronik otitis medialı hasta alındı. Hastalar anamnez ve muayene ile değerlendirilirken, gerekli hastalarda bilgisayarlı tomografi ve difüzyon magnetik rezonans görüntüleme yapıldı. Odyometrik incelemede 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 Hz frekanslarında kemik yolu eşikleri belirlendi ve ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası odyogramlarda karşılaştırmaları yapıldı.


Yirmi üç hastanın 12’si kadın 11’i kadın; yaş aralığı 10-10-55 (26.04±14.13) idi. Postoperatif dönemde odyolojik olarak 20 hasta izlenebildi. Bu izlemlerde 16 hastanın kemik yolu eşiklerinde değişme olmadı, iki hastanın kemik yolu eşiklerinde bozulma ve iki hastada düzelme saptandı. Preoperatif ve postoperatif kemik yolu eşikleri ayrı ayrı değerlendirildiğinde istatiktiksel fark saptanmadı (p=0.937). Dört frekanstaki kemik yolu ortalamalarında istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0.712)


Bu çalışmada kolesteatom ile ilişkili komplikasyonları azaltmak için özellikle tip 1 ve 2 labirent fistüllerinde kolesteatom matriksinin tamamen kaldırılmasının gerekli olabileceği görüldü.

Keywords: Cholesteatoma, labyrinthine fistula, mastoidectomy, hearing loss


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